11 de abril de 2012

It´s Music To Your Ears

The first mind scratch of this post was a special edition with a compilation of videos (around 8 or 9...yup, I even made a list so I would not forget any of them) of new music I found for the last few weeks. Then I thought it would be a lot of videos in one post and some of them could not get the proper attention they should get, so I thought in embed 2 or 3 of them at a time.
But like the many of videos and new music I´ve found weren´t already enough, while watching an episode of the [awesome] Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson I found myself watching a superb performance of the band that played on the studio that night. They made me go back with the one video per post routine because it would be more appropriate since that band deserved full attention. And it will also mean that I have new music to post in this little corner of the blog.

Although, that band will not be the one posted this week (whaa? why?!). Meanwhile some Icelandic guys appeared.
While going around blogs and randomly pressing the next blog button so I could enlarge my list of cool blogs to read and while I was already about to give up, annoyed by those blogs who have the music starting and you don´t seem to find a button to turn it off (if they exist...), I came across a silent one...as all blogs should be. And the girl of that blog had a similar section to this It´s Music To Your Ears on her blog and I decided to click play on the video...which actually was just the YT playing bar without any image.

And look what I have found

Of Monsters and Men!

Absolutely fantastic.

Album coming soon...to my house!

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